Penthouse Villa

Unbelievable! Two bedrooms, three bath, two level with cook and houseman, pool and jacuzzi, huge deck with majestic views floor plan. Simply amazing.

Just a quick note to tell you that was probably the best vacation I have ever had! LaLo’s creativity in the kitchen was nothing short of amazing! I always fancied myself as a pretty good cook, I’m now embarrassed I ever thought that. I hung out some in the kitchen and asked a lot of questions, learned soooo much!! What an amazing guy! Victor was no slouch either, we tested so many of his different concepts! We had so many great conversations with both of them, fabulous people. The entire staff was above and beyond the whole week!!! We had a birthday Monday during our stay, and to our surprise Lalo made tiramisu (birthday girl’s fav) and brought out his guitar along with his lead singer Victor (bad wig) and serenade Rustie, oh my what a night!!! So much fun, so many memories! I’m kind of foaming at the mouth, Sorry! A trip for the record books. Thank you and please thank everyone from all of us!!
Ric Long