Here are the answers to some questions we are frequently asked:

Q. Why did the original Ocho come to an end?
A. The Club was originally set up as a 30 year membership, which was the only thing available in Mexico at that time.

Q. What will be different about the New Ocho?
A. First, the members of the Club will also be the Owners of the land, not just “right to use members”. Also the property is being enhanced to today’s standards… air conditioned bedrooms, new plumbing, electrical, granite countertops, new kitchen appliances, non-slip tile, upgraded lighting and plantings…… And a grand lobby on the upper level with a beautiful two stage elevator to all floors! There will also be reciprocal exchange with sister resort Club Cascadas in Cabo San Lucas and a strong rental and resale program for owners.

Q. Will the staff be the same?
A. All staff reached the end of their employment at the end of 2012. Prior to opening, a new team will be hired. We anticipate many will come back and some may not.

Q. Will the Penthouse still have a staff to cook and shop?
A. Yes. Absolutely!

Q. Will there still be pre-arrival shopping service, floating chef service, etc… for the members?
A. Yes, the excellent personalized service will continue with added enhancements.

Q. Will there still be a board of directors elected by the members to oversee the running of the resort?
A. Yes

Q. If I own a timeshare elsewhere, will I be able to exchange into Ocho Cascadas?
A. Probably not. We have found the owners at Ocho use their time, or if they can’t come down for their week, they exchange internally to a different week. Very few of the Ocho owners trade out to other resorts

Q. Will I be able to come to Ocho as a renter if I am not an owner?
A. Yes, if there is a villa that has not been sold, or if an owner has listed their villa for rental. But again, we find very few of the members list their villa for rental. The only way to be assured you can get in to Ocho is to own at Ocho, or be the best friend of one of our owners!

Q. Tell me about the elevator.
A. The lot to the right as you face the ocean is being annexed into the Ocho Cascadas Association. We are building a grand lobby on the upper level with sliding glass windows overlooking the bay. The elevator will access from the lobby and go down to villas 9, 8, 7 and 6. At floor six, you will exit, and walk a short distance to the lower elevator that will go to villas 5, 4, 3 and 2.

Q. As an owner, will I be allowed to transfer my membership to my estate, or resell my membership later?
A. Yes. You own it forever. You can assign it, will it, resell it….. It’s yours.

Q. Can the owners of the building ever sell Ocho?
A. Yes, the members of the Club are also the owners of the land and building. By a 75% vote of the members, the land and building could be sold in the year 2054 and the proceeds split among the members

Q. When will Ocho re-open?
A. We are on track to re-open on Thursday, November 27, 2014.

Q. I’d like to see & experience the New Ocho before buying…. Can I?
A. Yes. We’ve set up an Inspection Program where you can stay at Ocho one time only in 2014 or 2015 for $1500 for the week. For more information, call Dave Stoenner in the California office at 949 322 4016 or dave@ochocascadas.com