
The nine villas at Ocho Cascadas have been divided into 48 weeks of ownership. 4 weeks each year are kept vacant for annual maintenance to ensure every villa is kept in perfect condition for every owner.

The weeks of ownership at Ocho begin and end on Thursday to avoid the higher priced weekend airfare. Week One begins each year on the first Thursday of the year. Week Two is the second Thursday, etc….

For a complete calendar of start dates for future years, check out the Use Week Calendar

Why Ownership?

Several reasons. Please take a look at our Sales Brochure.

Availability – – Ocho is very, very difficult to get into as a non owner. The only way you can rent at Ocho is if you know one of the owners and you rent from them directly. Or, if there is an unsold villa in the timeframe you are interested in coming to Ocho.

Price – The cost of owning is far less than the cost of renting

Selection – Most owners have a strong preference for a particular villa in a particular time of year. The only way to be assured the villa and season you want is to own it.

Long Term Investment – Although buying a vacation property should not be done for investment purposes, the value of resort property in Puerto Vallarta has contineud to go up even in slow economic times. By owning your vacation villa forever, you can pass your ownership on to your estate, or you can resell your ownership later at the then current price. When you rent, you get no return for your money. When you own, you get the enjoyment of your luxury villa at Ocho for as long as you and your family desire, then you have the option to resell your week at the market price.

Exchange – If you decide one year you would like to try a different resort location, you can exchange your week at Ocho for hundreds of deluxe resorts around the world.

Your ownership is held secure in a Mexican Bank Trust (Fidecomiso) until the year 2054. At that time, you and your fellow owners will decide if you want to ‘extend’ the trust for 50 more years, or sell the property and divide the sale proceeds among the owners.

Price of ownership varies based on villa and time of year. Forever ownership at Ocho starts under $20,000 and tops out at $132,000 for the Penthouse at Christmas.

For a complete list of pricing for all villas, contact Dave Stoenner in the California office at 949 322 4016 or e-mail to dave@ochocascadas.com

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